Robyn Shepherd

Version 2

Robyn is certified as a practitioner in both EFT and Matrix
Reimprinting. She offers individual and group sessions, coaching and workshops in person or over Skype with adults, teenagers and children.
She loves to be near the bush and the sea, enjoying kayaking and tramping in her local area, and anywhere else she and her husband choose to explore.
Robyn discovered EFT while recovering from 14 years of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She had completed a course called The Lightning Process and after a lot of hard work and perseverence, was physically well again. The Lightning Process is a training programme, based on the science of mind and body interaction.
While practising the process up to 30 times a day, she was
replacing old, limiting neurological pathways with new, healthy ones. Her energy returned and the symptoms of CFS disappeared.  She has been well ever since.

During this process, Robyn researched other mind/body techniques and discovered EFT.
Her background in primary school teaching and Special Education, along with her musical ability, gave her experience in such things as Brain Gym and the use of music and movement to develop
particular interactions between the brain and the body. These mind/body links have always fascinated her, and so she found EFT intriguing.
At this stage, Robyn was physically well, and working hard on getting her strength and fitness back.  Yet the same old, limiting feelings, thoughts, beliefs and fears were still with her and she remained troubled by many past memories, and huge gaps in her self-awareness. EFT turned out to be a simple, effective technique that could help with these challenges and so her EFT and Matrix Reimprinting journey began.

Robyn eventually trained as an EFT practitioner, and then also had the opportunity to train in Matrix Reimprinting, a new EFT technique. She is now certified in both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting. These two techniques combined have had an enormous impact on her life, freeing her from her past and changing the way she chooses to think, feel and be.
And now Robyn gets to share these brilliant techniques with anyone who wants to be calm and at ease in any area of their life.


To book a session

Call 09 4340780 or 021 175 3624

Or email [email protected]

Or visit her website:

Find her on Facebook – Robyn Shepherd EFT Tapping